Tuesday 22 September 2009

Microsoft Security Articles (Sep14-Sep20)

Article Topics & Links:

Microsoft Information Security Tools Team  Website | RSS Feed
Anti-XSS Library v3.1 Released!  - 17-Sep-2009
Introducing the Connected Information Security Framework and Risk Tracker  - 16-Sep-2009
Want to Develop Software Security Tools?  - 16-Sep-2009
Want to Shape Great Security Tools ?  - 15-Sep-2009
CISF Security Portal Architecture  - 15-Sep-2009
Automating Windows Firewall settings with C# (part 2)  - 14-Sep-2009
Microsoft Malware Protection Center  Website | RSS Feed
The modern rogue - a timely subject  - 18-Sep-2009
I can’t go back to yesterday - see you in Geneva  - 16-Sep-2009
September in Geneva  - 15-Sep-2009
MSRC Ecosystem Strategy  Website | RSS Feed
Announcing BlueHat v9: Through the Looking Glass  - 14-Sep-2009
Security Bulletins Advisories  Website | RSS Feed
Microsoft Security Advisory (975497): Vulnerabilities in SMB Could Allow Remote Code Execution - 9/17/2009  - 17-Sep-2009
Security Bulletins Comprehensive  Website | RSS Feed
Microsoft Security Advisory (975497): Vulnerabilities in SMB Could Allow Remote Code Execution  - 17-Sep-2009
MS09-047 - Critical: Vulnerabilities in Windows Media Format Could Allow Remote Code Execution (973812) - Version:1.1  - 16-Sep-2009
Security Vulnerability Research and Defense  Website | RSS Feed
Update on the SMB vulnerability situation  - 18-Sep-2009
OffVis updated, Office file format training video created  - 14-Sep-2009
The Security Development Lifecycle  Website | RSS Feed
Two New Security Tools for your SDL tool belt (Bonus: a “7-easy-steps” whitepaper)  - 16-Sep-2009

Source: Microsoft Blogs